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Informal Procedure

Option 1
You should initially raise any concerns you have with the case handler responsible for your case. Under this option your complaint and expression of dissatisfaction will be considered as having been withdrawn and having been resolved informally with the case handler on the basis of a general conveyancing query. You will have no right of referral to the Legal Ombudsman if you decide on this option

Option 2

If you cannot resolve your issues with your team leader you can refer the matter to our Client Care Department (Who can be reached at who will endeavour to deal with any concerns which you have on an informal basis in accordance with Ross Coates client care policy. This does not form part of the formal complaint procedure and will not initiate the relevant 8 week period to entitle you to refer the matter to the Legal Ombudsman. However this may give you a quicker resolution than the formal procedure. No review of the file is carried out under the informal client care procedure and their involvement will consist of raising your concerns with your team leader and trying to negotiate an amicable resolution between you. Under this option any complaint and expression of dissatisfaction will be considered as having been withdrawn and you agree to your concerns being dealt with as general conveyancing queries. You will have no right of referral to the Legal Ombudsman if you decide upon this option. However, you have the right to lodge a formal complaint under our formal complaints procedure, if you are not satisfied with the outcome of the informal client care procedure.

Formal Procedure

If you have been unable to resolve your concerns under the informal procedure,and you wish to make a formal complaint then this needs to be done in writing (or by email) to Michelle Day. You can write to her at Units 5-7 Alpha Business Park, Whitehouse Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, or send an email to

Acknowledging your Formal Complaint

Upon receipt of your formal complaint it will be recorded in our complaints register. Only formal complaints addressed personally and specifically to Michelle Day and acknowledged by her as such, will be recorded and dealt with by him under our formal complaints proceedure. She will also send you a letter or email acknowledging your complaint.

She will review your file(s) and any other relevant documentation and send you a letter telling you how he proposes to deal with your complaint. Examples of what she might say in this letter are as follows:

  • If your complaint is straightforward she might make suggestions as to how she can put things right or she may offer you some form of redress;
  • If your complaint is more complicated she might ask you to confirm, explain or clarify any issues.
  • She may write to you fully setting out her views on the situation and make suggestions as to how she can put things right, or ask you to confirm explain or clarify any issues.

Whatever form her investigation takes, she will aim to give you our final decision within eight weeks of receiving your formal complaint (or sooner if possible)

Claims of professional negligence.

Please note that claims of professional incompetence/negligence cannot be dealt with under our formal complaints proceedure. These can only be considered and responded to on an individual basis by our claims manager in accourance with the requirements of our insurers. Such claims need to be submitted in writing to Lee Gregory, and you will need to seek independant legal advice in respect of your claims. Please note that such claims cannot normally be considered by the legal ombudsman as they are are more appropriately dealt with through other procedural routes.

The Legal Ombudsman

If you are still not satisfied, you can then contact the Legal Ombudsman about your complaint provided that you do so within six months of the end of our own formal Complaints Handling Procedure.

In addition, there are time limits relating to the date you first became aware or should have become aware of the problem. The relevant time limits are set out in the version of the Legal Ombudsman´s Scheme Rules in force from time to time (which can be accessed at : or by contacting the Legal Ombudsman and may only be extended by the Legal Ombudsman in exceptional circumstances. In particular, you should be aware that there are time limits from the act/omission. Ordinarily, the act of omission or when you should reasonably have known there was a cause for complaint must have been after 5th October 2010. You must also refer the complaint to the Legal Ombudsman no later than one year from the act/omission or one year from when you should reasonably have known there was cause for complaint.

There are also other conditions applied to the Legal Ombudsman´s service. Ordinarily, you cannot use the Legal Ombudsman unless you have first attempted to resolve your complaint using our own complaints handling proceedure, but you will be able to contact the Legal Ombudsman if:

  • The complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction within eight weeks of making the formal complaint to our designated complaints manager; or
  • The Legal Ombudsman decides that there are exceptional reasons why the Legal Ombudsman should consider your complaint sooner, or without you having to use our own Complaints Handling Procedure first; or
  • The Legal Ombudsman considers that your complaint cannot be resolved using our internal Complaints Handling Procedure because the relationship between you and us has broken down irretrievably.